Bronx Rock Invitational 2009

In Competition climbing by Udo Neumann

Alter: 24
Nationalität: Polen
59. Platz Weltrangliste

Beste Ergebnisse:
8b’s RP “Zona 0” in Siurana and “Mrtvaski ples” in Osp
Polish Champion in Lead 2007 and Polish Champion in Bouldering 2009
35. IFSC European Championship – Paris (FRA) 2008
24. IFSC Climbing Worldcup (L) – Kranj (SLO) 2007
28. IFSC Climbing Worldcup (L) – Valence (FRA) 2007
26. Frauen bouldering: IFSC Climbing Worldcup (B) – Fiera di Primiero (ITA) 2007
31. Frauen bouldering: IFSC Climbing Worldcup (B) – Hall (AUT) 2007
26. Frauen bouldering: IFSC Climbing Worldcup (B) – Sofia (BUL) 2007
24. Frauen bouldering: IFSC European Boulder Championship – Birmingham (GBR) 2007
27. UIAA Climbing Worldcup (L+S) – Chamonix (FRA) 2006
28. UIAA European Championship – Ekatarinburg (RUS) 2006
24. UIAA Climbing Worldcup (L) – Puurs (BEL) 2006
23. female juniors: UIAA World Youth Championship – Edinburgh (GBR) 2004

Sponsoren/Sponsors: GATOWALLS, BOREAL

Was erwartest Du von BRONX ROCK Invitational? /
What do you expect of BRONX ROCK Invitational?

Many interesting boulder problems, a new experience, and a lot of fun climbing with Daniel 😉 and some new interesting people that I will meet. By the way – in polish we call “bronx” a good beer so… 😉

Hast du dir irgendwas Spezielles für das Schrauben vorgenommen? /
Do you have special plans for the screwing?

Hmmm… Special? Not yet 🙂 but looking at where the BRONX ROCK Invitational will take place this year, I wouldn’t like to “screw” a lot… I would like to find the possibility to climb these bouldering cubes with as few extra climbing holds as possible.

Wie sieht der perfekte Boulder aus? Describe the perfect boulderproblem.
The one that only I can climb 😉 No, I’m joking – frankly speaking, I’m not a very competitive person. So perfect boulder… Hard to imagine only one. Generally, in my opinion, a really good boulder cannot be long and each of his moves should be very difficult. But the boulders that I enjoy the most are these ones which are hard to resolve or which require dynamics, coordination or flexibility. And I love climbing on all formations, or volumes (as for climbing on artificial wall). The funny thing is that I’m not very good at it all 🙂

Wo siehst Du Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung des Kletterns? /
Where do you see possibilities for the development of climbing?

If we are talking about the development of the popularity of climbing as a sport: in placing a climbing hero in the most-watched TV series 😉 We had once in Poland last year or 2 years ago and since then all polish climbing gyms are FULL and the general interest in climbing has increased a lot a lot.

Was würdest Du an deinem Sport ändern wollen?/
What part of your sport would you like to change?

Only the fact that sometimes you cannot climb when you really want to and need to, when for example the weather in rocks is not good or when your skin is gone (I hate it) or when you get contusions (that’s the worst!). Apart of this, my love for climbing is unconditional 😉

Was macht für dich Klettern aus, was gibt es dir? /
What does climbing mean to you?

Oh… 🙂 so much!!! I can say that it’s my life. Apart from my family and my friends, that is the most important thing for me. On the one hand climbing is something very personal to me, and the on the other hand it’s something that I want and like to share with the others. Climbing move, nature, and very rich relationships… – that’s my “climbing”

Stärken und Schwächen beim Klettern? /
Yours strengths and weaknesses in climbing?

Stärken/ Strengths: inexhaustible motivation, crimps, quite good stamina
Schwächen/ Weaknesses: slopers, orientation in roofs :), coordination, climbing on formations and sometimes just “thinking” 😉

Ich glaube an/ I believe in

Oh… again “so much”!!! Maybe I’m too naïve… or just optimistic. But most of all: in family, climbing all your live and power of music.

Was inspiriert dich?/ What inspires you?
Human relationships, human passions, children’s openness to the world and instrumental music

Schlaue Ratschläge? Any advice for anything?
To always try to find something positive out of every experience. And to travel and climb a lot a lot everywhere, especially outside!

Top 3
Helden/ Heroes
I don’t really have any special one (or 3 :)), but talking about the climbers whose climbing impresses me, I have to mention about Favresse brothers, Adam Pustelnik and Lynn Hill.

Musik/ Music
Only 3? Seems impossible but maybe…
1. piano of Keith Jarrett
2. guitar of Andy Mckee and Paco de Lucia
3. RDJ2, Beastie Boys, The Knife, oh.. many many…

Ah! And obviously – DJ Jung!!!

Beschäftigungen neben dem Klettern/
What are you doing beside climbing?

A lot! Again: hard to choose only 3 things 🙂
1. learning French, Spanish and Catalan
2. biking, skiing, snowboarding, ski-touring
3. listening a lot of music and eating a lot!

Klettergebiete/ Climbing territories
1. Siurana
2. Ceuse
3. Osp